Colchester First Responders – making a real difference in our community

As Aardvark Travel do every year, we will not be sending out Christmas cards, instead, we will be donating £30 to a worthy cause. This year we have chosen to support the team from Colchester Community First Responders. Richard’s father Dennis Ford and his brother Martin Ford give up their spare time for this and they have saved lives and helped numerous people but they are in real need for funding to continue this voluntary service. They will be in Colchester High Street tomorrow, December 3rd so if you see them please say hello and give what you can. Hopefully my friends you will never need their services but it’s good to know they are out there.

Community first responders are volunteers who are trained by the NHS to attend certain types of emergency calls in the area where they live or work.

Their aim is to reach a potential life threatening emergency in the first vital minutes before the ambulance crew arrives.

Their role is to help stabilise the patient and provide the appropriate care until the more highly skilled ambulance crew arrives on scene to take over the treatment.

Please help by showing support to your local community.

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